How To Apply for a Canadian Visa

Are you a student or a postdoctoral student who wants a visa to Canada?
1.Go to
2. Create an account to apply online using GCKey
3. Follow the processes by entering your information and uploading the required documents.
4. Documents to upload
a. Imm5257e
These documents are on the Canada website which you are supposed to download and fill using your computer. Don’t fill online, just fill using your computer and upload later on the Canadian website.
b. Proof of funds- you will need 10,000 CAD in your accounts or from a sponsor who is willing to provide his bank statement as well as his ID card and a declaration letter from the commissioner of oath to support you as you travel. This is for an individual who is travelling but if you are two or more, the money needed would increase. You would also need your bank statements to attach. If you have 10,000 CAD in your accounts, you don’t need any sponsor.
c.Add police report by going to the regional police headquarters to do it for a fee. Take along 2 to 4 passport pictures for your finger prints to be taken.
d. Go for medicals at IOM ( A hospital for medicals where you also pay a fee and your information is forwarded to the visa application centre. So avoid goro boys. You would be given a document to show that you have done the medicals to also upload on the website.
e.Add your admission letter
f.Add a letter of explanation
g. Add your Birth certificate, Covid 19 Cards, and Yellow card.
h. Upload passport
i. If you try uploading and some forms are refusing to upload, attach them to the other places that can easily be uploaded and submit.
j. Pay your application fees using your credit card, someone can do the payment for you if you don’t have a credit card or unable to pay.
k. Book for an appointment to do your biometrics
l. Go for the biometrics where your fingerprints would be taken
m. Go home and wait
n. Keep checking your mail for updates.